Kris Sayce

The AI “New Economy”: It Is and It Isn’t…

What does a “new economy” based on AI innovation mean for the American worker? The complete time compression of learning… And a historic productivity boom.

An Education You May Not Want, But Sure as Heck Need…

Today, we’ll introduce you to the world of convertible bonds. If that sounds like a subject about which you’d...

What Will You Do When the Bull Market Officially Ends?

You’ll almost always find a winning trend somewhere. So which trends can we expect to be the most sustainable...

An Accidental Multi-Billion-Dollar Success Story

Steve Ballmer may not be the most loved CEO of all time... But his investment strategies have kept the...

What If… We’re Still Predicting Last Year’s Recession?

Let’s dive into our experts’ views that while today’s market has risks, there are still chances to profit from...

The Biggest Protection Racket in Financial History

The bull market in bonds is over… Are stocks next? We’ll go over how we got here and what...