If you’re tuned in to the mainstream news, it’s virtually impossible to steer clear of the Trump-Biden mudslinging match.
But here at the Cut, our focus isn’t horse-race political coverage. It’s unearthing early-stage market megatrends with the potential to really move the needle on your wealth.
So today, we’ll fade out the sound and the fury ahead of Election Day. And instead, we’ll home in on one of the most profitable megatrends we track for you – the rise of bitcoin and the buildout of the crypto economy.
While most folks have their eyes glued to the latest election polls, bitcoin has been on a tear.
Over the weekend, it hit a new high of $14,208 for the year. That’s 95% higher than where it was at the start of the year.
And as you’ll see in today’s dispatch, bitcoin has been a great place for your money in more than just 2020. It’s been king of the hill stretching back as far as the Obama years.
So if you’ve acted on our repeated recommendation to buy some bitcoin, kudos. And if you’re still sitting on the sidelines, I (Chris Lowe) have a question for you: What’s holding you back?
The Daily Cut is the premium e-letter we created for all paid-up Legacy Research readers.
So if you’re a fan of Teeka Tiwari, Jeff Brown, Nick Giambruno, Dave Forest, Dan Denning, Jason Bodner, Bill Bonner, or Doug Casey… you’re in the right place. Our mission is to comb through all their research and bring you their top moneymaking ideas.
And it’s hard to think of a more powerful moneymaking idea than the crypto revolution that’s underway.
For instance, in each of the last four years, Teeka has picked the top-performing crypto investments. They soared as much as 233%, 1,471%, 2,189%… and 58,543%.
Now, Teeka – or “Big T,” as his subscribers call him – eats, sleeps, and breathes crypto. So these aren’t the type of gains you’re likely to pick up as an ordinary investor just starting out.
Last year alone, Teeka spent 192 days on the road. He traveled more than 300,000 miles… to 15 countries on 5 continents… to meet with crypto insiders, entrepreneurs, and investors for new ideas.
And he has a team of more than a dozen analysts working with him to do due diligence on each one.
But here’s the thing… You don’t have to go to the lengths Teeka and his team do to get market-beating gains in the crypto market,
Even if you’re not knocking it out of the park on smaller, lesser-known cryptos like they are, you could have smashed the returns most investors get with a simple investment in bitcoin.
The chart below compares the year-to-date returns for bitcoin, gold, and U.S. stock market bellwether the S&P 500.
It gives you a better sense of just how successful bitcoin has been.
Bitcoin (orange line) is up 95% so far this year. In other words, bitcoin investments have nearly doubled so far this year… and there are still two more months left to go.
That compares with a gain of 24% for our favorite precious metal, gold, and a gain of just 1% for the S&P 500.
This next chart tracks bitcoin, gold, and stocks back to 2015.
President Obama’s second term was winding down. The Trump presidency hadn’t yet begun. And as you can see, bitcoin has trounced U.S. stocks and gold since then…
Gold is up 58%, meaning you’d have made 1.6 times your money. Stocks are up 59%… more or less the same as gold.
But look at bitcoin. It’s up 4,234%… meaning you’d have made 43 times your money over the same time.
That’s enough to have turned a $10,000 grubstake into $433,400.
Here’s that same chart going back to 2013. That’s a year or so after cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase was founded… and the wider adoption of crypto began.
Take a look…
Bitcoin is up 100,932% since January 1, 2014. That works out to 1,010 times your investment. And it’s enough to have turned every $10,000 into $10.1 million.
This crushes anything you would have made on stocks or gold. Over the same time, stocks are up about 123%. Gold is more or less flat.
As regular readers will be aware, there’s been a debate in The Daily Cut mailbag over which is a better bet over the long term – bitcoin or gold.
And Legacy analysts are divided on this question too.
Tom Dyson, Bill Bonner, and Dan Denning prefer gold. It’s tangible wealth, they say, that’s been around for thousands of years. Bitcoin, meanwhile, is only 11 years old… hard to understand… and purely digital.
Others, like Teeka, see bitcoin as an upgraded, digital form of gold – a long-term store of wealth that’s easier to custody, transport, and transact with than a lump of metal.
This is a debate I’m sure will keep running. (I’d love to hear your thoughts on it at [email protected].) But whatever we think the answer is, Mr. Market has been favoring bitcoin over gold.
One bitcoin reached the same dollar price as 1 ounce of gold for the first time in 2017. Today, 1 ounce of gold will set you back $1,893. And 1 bitcoin will set you back $13,361.
That means 1 bitcoin is now seven times the price of 1 ounce of gold.
Simply put, these currencies are honest.
Central banks and governments can’t inflate away their value. There’s only so much gold on Earth… and you can get it only by digging it out of the ground at great expense.
Bitcoin “mining” also costs money. And the supply of bitcoins in circulation is limited to a hard cap of 21 million.
Contrast that with the dollar… the euro… and the yen. Their supplies are essentially infinite… as central banks can create them, digitally, with a few strokes on a keyboard.
And as global economies continue to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic… and roiling economic shutdowns… you can expect them to conjure up an unprecedented amount of currency.
We’ll leave Teeka with the final word on that…
Friends, it’s a no-brainer: Buy gold and bitcoin. Every central bank in the world is racing to debase the value of the currencies they control at a scale we’ve never seen before. Out-of-control money-printing will massacre the buying power of dollars, euros, yen, etc.
But they can’t devalue gold or bitcoin. That makes gold and bitcoin the only refuge for investors looking to shelter their money from the ravaging effects of reckless money-printing. So it’s imperative you protect your buying power with gold and bitcoin.
Gold prices could easily double from these levels. And bitcoin could quadruple (or more).
So if you haven’t already, consider taking some of your dollar savings and converting them to gold and bitcoin. Just make sure you don’t bet the farm on any one investment.
While folks in the mainstream media are counting down to Election Day, there’s another big countdown happening in the crypto market.
In the next few weeks, Teeka says cryptocurrencies will hit “zero” on a countdown clock of their own… and that could send them exploding in price.
It’s down to a catalyst that’s helped deliver gains as high as 5,837%… 21,267%… 48,371%… and 68,141% – in less than 12 months.
I know these gains sound crazy… and most folks will have missed out.
That’s why on Wednesday, November 11, at 8 p.m. ET, Teeka’s holding a special event called The Crypto Catch-Up: Your Last Chance to Get the Life You Want.
He’ll show you what’s behind these crazy gains. He’ll even reveal the name of one of his top six crypto recommendations right now.
So as most Americans count down to the election… you can be part of the biggest countdown of the year by signing up right here. It’s free to attend. And as a bonus for signing up, you’ll get Teeka’s free report on how to earn free bitcoin…
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Chris Lowe
November 2, 2020
Bray, Ireland