Get Ready for a Market “Reset”

Chris’ note: Master trader Jeff Clark warned his readers about the crashes in 2008… 2020… and 2022. Now, he sees another reset coming. And I want to make sure it’s on your radar.

You see, this reset is not something to fear. It’s a “fat pitch” profit opportunity. And Jeff has a record of impressive gains in impossible markets. You could have doubled your money 14 times with his recommendations following the 2020 crash.

If you want in on one of the best opportunities of 2023, Jeff is recommending an unconventional vehicle.

He’ll reveal what it is… and how you can use it to make more money over the next 12 months than you’ve ever made in a year… in a special briefing tomorrow, April 5, at 8 p.m. ET. So, make sure you’re signed up for that here.

Below, Jeff passes on his top survival tip for bear markets. And he shows why the extreme moves they create are a trader’s dream.

Q&A With Jeff Clark, Editor, Market Minute

Chris Lowe: You’ve traded through the 1987 Black Monday crash… the dot-com crash in the early 2000s… the 2008 crash… and every bear market in between. What advice do you have for Legacy Research readers about getting through the current downturn?

Jeff Clark: The most important thing for your readers to grasp is that this bear market will pass. Just like every bear market before it, it will end. And when it does, there will be an enormous opportunity to profit.

In the final stages of a bull market too much money chases stock prices higher. This pushes valuations to nosebleed levels. Bear markets correct these excesses. And the lower prices they leave in their wake mean that contrarian investors can pick up bargains.

What I’ve learned over my four decades trading markets – first for wealthy hedge fund clients than in my newsletters – is that markets move in cycles. Stocks are turbulent right now. But that shouldn’t surprise us. Since the pandemic hit in 2020, we’ve been in an era of extreme funny money.

We had funny money in the lead-up to the housing bust that began in 2007. This led to the 2008 financial crisis and a bear market. In the 1990s, silly money fueled the dot-com bubble. Then, in 2000, we had the blow-up of that bubble. It’s just the way markets behave when they’re overstimulated.

In 2021, no matter where you put your money, it went up. You had people buying digital images of rocks for millions of dollars. It all became very silly. And when you have a time of silly money like that, inevitably you go through a hangover. We’re suffering that hangover now… and it’s a doozy.

Chris: You’re one of the few people I know who looks forward to bear markets. That’s hard for a lot of folks to wrap their heads around. The media teaches them that all they can do in a bear market is duck and cover. Why is that mainstream narrative wrong?

Jeff: I don’t want to minimize the pain our readers have been through over the last year. If you’re a buy-and-hold investor, your nest egg almost certainly took a hit.

But that’s only half the story…

If you have the cash and the courage to buy stocks when they’re selling at the bargain counter, you can do very well. That’s just math. The lower the price you pay to own a stock, the higher your returns when you go to sell.

That’s on the investing side. Bear markets are also “harvest time” for traders. They come with lots of volatility. This allows traders to harness these big swings for profits.

And it’s not just the magnitude of these moves that work in your favor as a trader. You also have a lot more opportunities to trade.

It’s what allowed me run up an 88% win rate at my Delta Report advisory so far this year… with an average gain of 65%.

Subscribers who have followed my recommendations this year have had the chance to close out trades for gains of 56%… 89%… and even 98%.

It’s not because I saw the ball more clearly. I wasn’t hitting it any better. I just had many more opportunities thanks to all the turbulence during those times.

Everybody can make money during a bull market. But it’s during bear markets that you can become phenomenally wealthy.

Chris: So, do you mainly “short” stocks and profit when they fall in price?

Jeff: It’s possible to make money shorting stocks in a bear market. But it I typically bet on short-term rallies in stocks at times like these.

A lot of your readers will have heard me talk about the rubber band effect. But for the benefit of newer folks, imagine you have a rubber band. You stretch it out. Then you let it go. And it snaps back.

The same thing happens in stocks. They get extremely overbought or oversold. The rubber band stretches. Then it snaps back.

I look for extreme conditions that provide opportunities to trade. These tend to be high-probability, low-risk setups. I wait for the rubber band to stretch. Then I profit when it snaps back.

That doesn’t mean my trades are automatic winners. But I’ve been doing this for almost 40 years. That rubber band sometimes stretched further than I thought it would, but it almost always snapped back.

Chris: You said you had one of your best years as a trader in 2008. While buy-and-holders were losing their shirts, you gave your subscribers the chance to double their money – or more – on 10 of your recommended trades.

Jeff: Yes, 2008 was a horrible bear market for stocks. But like I said before, it was one of the best years ever in my career. And about 70% of my trades were on the long side. I was betting on higher, not lower, stock prices… albeit over short time frames.

You see, with investors in full-blown panic mode, we got these brutal plunges. Stocks got so extremely oversold that the next move was most likely a rally. Again, it goes back to the rubber band. When it gets stretched too far in one direction, you want to be on the snapback.

Traders who had swooped in and bought stocks after they had become oversold… and rubber band was stretched… made almost instant profits when it snapped back.

Chris: Tomorrow evening you’re hosting an event to warn about an oncoming historic reset of the U.S. stock market. Tell me more about that.

Jeff: That’s right. We haven’t seen a market shift like this since 2009 when stocks bottomed in the wake of the Great Financial Crisis.

Things are unsteady right now. We saw three U.S. banks collapse last month. And Swiss mega bank Credit Suisse has been bought out by a rival Swiss bank following a massive drop in its stock price. This brought on a wave of dips in the share prices of banks across the U.S.

And all this coming out of the worst bear market since the 2008 financial crisis. So, it’s no surprise everyone is on the defensive and going to cash and Treasury bills right now.

But salting away all your savings in Treasury bill or CD is one of the worst moves you can make right now. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have money in safer investments. I typically do that with about 90% of my portfolio. But I use the other 10% for trading opportunities.

And the window immediately following the bear market is critical because of how gains tend to cluster there. That’s why I’ve put together my briefing. I want to get the word out. I’ll admit, it’s a little unconventional. It doesn’t have anything to do with stocks, bonds, or cryptos. But I believe it’s another chance for rapid-fire, triple-digit gains.

Chris: Well, Jeff, it sounds like a fascinating opportunity. I’ll make sure to give our readers a link to sign up.

Jeff: Thanks, Chris.