Politically correct culture is spreading… Why it will take down Western civilization… Tonight – watch Doug reveal it all live on camera…
Legacy Research cofounder Doug Casey will go live on air tonight at 8 p.m. ET with arguably the biggest and most controversial predictions of his career.
We’re calling tonight’s event: Totally Incorrect: LIVE.
It’s a rare chance to hear Doug talk about his personal investing strategy… and some of the most profitable speculations of his 50-year career.
Doug will also be sharing details on five speculations that each give you the chance to make 1,000% or more over the next year, as the events he’s predicting unfold.
Just keep in mind that Doug’s predictions are controversial. For instance, Doug believes President Trump will be the last white male U.S. president… and that the U.S. will launch a shooting war against China.
So if you’re easily offended, this event might not be for you.
But as you’ll learn in today’s dispatch, that’s nothing new for Doug. His ideas have been stirring up controversy for decades.
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That was the question The Washington Post put to its readers on August 25, 1980.
The paper of record for the D.C. establishment wanted to know more about the man behind Time magazine’s non-fiction bestseller for the year, Crisis Investing…
…a man the paper called “Doomsayer Casey.”
A business reporter from the Post, Jerry Knight, caught up with Doug as he was getting ready for a trip to Costa Rica. Here’s how Knight set the scene…
The talk show trips already have started, but last week Casey was back home in Washington, packing for an investment conference in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is a long way from Wall Street, Casey admits, and that’s the point. Blue chips are blasé, and a bad investment, he contends, but the stock market down in Colombia has jumped four for one in the past year and real estate in Nicaragua could be a tremendous buy.
Didn’t Nicaragua just have a revolution? Isn’t Colombia being overrun by gun-toting drug smugglers?
Of course, grins Casey, “I believe in buying when there’s blood in the streets.”
But it wasn’t Doug’s investment insights (some of which we covered here and here) that the Post was most interested in.
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As Knight reported it…
Acknowledging that Crisis Investing is “a political book thinly disguised as an investment book,” the author said his favorite chapter is one the publishers urged him to throw out, an allegorical tale about the evils of government.
His personal politics are beyond laissez-faire and into anarchy, and Casey in interviews is even more outspoken than Casey in print.
“The best opportunities are created by the stupidity of governments. I rely on the stupidity of government for my investing. There are 200 countries in the world and most of them are run by people even stupider than the ones who run our government,” he explained, lounging in a leather covered chair in his living room in the Beekman Place complex on 16th St. NW.
It’s ideas like that which have branded Doug as controversial in more delicate circles.
But for folks who just want to hear the unvarnished truth, Doug is a rare, independent thinker who’s not afraid to speak his mind.
We don’t shy away from controversy here at The Daily Cut, either.
Our mission is to bring you the big ideas you need to know about… even if they haven’t gone mainstream yet.
So if you’re easily offended by ideas outside your comfort zone, now is a good time to head back over to the “safe spaces” of The Wall Street Journal… Bloomberg… and CNBC.
We can’t afford to shy away from debate. If we did, we wouldn’t be doing our job.
As our publisher, Amber Mason, explained it in Monday’s dispatch…
At Legacy, it’s our job to help you make money. And to tell a good story while we’re at it. But… plenty of our competitors can do both those things, too.
So we believe that we owe you something else: Big Ideas. We should be bringing you strong opinions, unknown investments, and insights you won’t find anywhere else.
That’s not to say fulfilling this mission is always easy.
Nowhere is that more true than Doug’s takedown of the politically correct (PC) movement.
As Doug has been warning his readers, he believes the spread of PC culture is destroying Western civilization…
I believe I first heard the term “political correctness” used on a Saturday Night Live show back in about 1980. I thought it was just a joke – like most of the things on SNL. But it turned out to be a real thing. And it’s been building momentum for at least the last two generations.
Where is it going to end? I’m not sure, but it’s just one more termite eating away at the foundations of Western civilization. People that go along with this stuff aren’t just crazy. They’re actually evil. They’re the same types who rallied around Robespierre during the French revolution, Lenin during the Russian Revolution, Hitler in 1930s Germany, and Mao in China. It’s a certain personality type.
The fact that the average American still puts up with this kind of nonsense and treats it with respect is a bad sign.
And don’t expect things to reverse course soon. Doug again…
PC values are continually inculcated into kids that go off to college – which, incidentally, is another idiotic mistake that most people make for both economic and philosophical reasons.
It’s a real cause for concern if you value your liberty.
It’s what, according to Doug, makes PC culture part of the continuing corruption of Western civilization…
[PC crusaders] are opposed to all the things that, starting with Ancient Greece, made Western Civilization unique and better than any other on Earth. They’re opposed to the concepts of individualism, personal freedom, capitalism, economic liberty, free thought, and the like.
And it starts with controlling the words you use. George Orwell pointed that out in Nineteen Eighty-Four. He created the term “Newspeak,” which was a new version of the English language that used all kinds of different new words in order to change the way people think. Newspeak made it impossible for people to think clearly, because the words were purposely mis-defined, often to the opposite of the meanings that they actually have.
And it’s why he is so pessimistic about the prospects for Western civilization lasting long. In short, its foundations are crumbling.
As we’ve been warning you, free markets, individualism, personal liberty, and free speech – the core values of Western civilization – are no longer in vogue in the West.
Taking their place are the principles of socialism… collectivism… identity politics… and censorship. And if we’re right… both your financial and your personal freedom are at risk.
To hear it all direct from Doug… secure your place at tonight’s live event here.
If you can’t make it… or it’s not for you… we’ll leave you with one piece of advice: Remember to own plenty of gold.
If Doug’s right about what’s coming down the pike for America… you’ll be glad of it.
Gold is not someone else’s promise to pay – like a U.S. dollar bill or bond. So it’s the perfect currency to hold in the kind of crisis Doug sees coming.
We’ll leave the last word with him…
What will the West look like without Western Civilization? Like dystopian sci-fi.
It’s going to be very unpleasant and inconvenient if it comes unglued. All of the material things that the West has created – electricity, skyscrapers, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, and thousands of others – won’t stop functioning overnight. It takes time for systems to degrade. But they have to be maintained – and it takes capital to maintain these things. If you destroy the mainsprings of civilization, all these things are going to wind down.
Today, your fellow readers turn back to the question of whether America needs more socialism or more capitalism, after reader Stephanie E. said, “Welfare programs basically amount to enforced compassion.”
But first, one of your fellow readers isn’t convinced by Doug Casey’s prediction that Trump will be the last Republican president…
I think you’re wrong about the coming downfall of Trump and America. I think there are millions of millennials who love this country and understand what is going on with the Left.
– Donald L.
Back to the big socialism vs. capitalism debate…
I doubt that the majority of the elderly people in our America would view Social Security or Medicare as enforced compassion. These have been remarkably successful programs that have allowed citizens to pay into programs that have sustained them in their retirement.
This is not the coddling of unproductive members of our society, it is allowing people to live with dignity in their old age.
– Pierrette R.
Some great conservative leader in the ’80s said: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later they will run out of everyone else’s money.”
– William R.
The education system teaches how proud we should be, since the scum of society was sent here to colonize this continent. Any monarch or tribal leader would send only their undesirables for such a risky enterprise, aka ship off the problem to another continent – the “kick the can down the road” mentality. Is it any surprise then that so many are clamoring for socialism?
No wonder we have this “tipping point.” We are infected with people who work the system, who mooch, panhandle, and hustle, rather than just work. The system does not exclude people who get wealthy by deviousness.
– Ernest B.
Do you agree with Donald L. that America won’t fall anytime soon? Or is Doug right that bad things are brewing in the U.S.?
Hear Doug’s side of the story at tonight’s premiere of Totally Incorrect: LIVE. And send your thoughts to [email protected].
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Chris Lowe
March 27, 2019
Dublin, Ireland
P.S. Doug hasn’t sat down in front of a camera for such a wide-ranging interview in almost four decades…
Tonight’s event is free – and if you secure your spot now, we’ll send you the private website where you can tune in at 8 p.m. ET. Meantime, you can watch the official trailer for it below…