Editor’s note: Today, we’re sharing a special guest piece from Tom Gentile.

Last week, Tom held a special event where he revealed how he’s trading the “Final Phase” of the AI boom – and getting out before the bust.

If you missed the event, you can click here and check out the replay.

Then make sure to read more about AI’s Final Phase below…

My name is Tom Gentile – and today, I want to show you something amazing.

It’s a tool I invented called the Money Calendar – and I promise, you’ve never seen anything like it.

In short, the Money Calendar tells me the best dates to buy and sell the 370 best stocks in the market.

And I’m going to show you exactly how it works.

It starts here:


Every month, I can get a broad overview of the markets. Based on 10 years of historical data, the Money Calendar tells me whether the month is going to be bullish or bearish overall.

Bullish months look like the screenshot above. Lots of green. The more saturated the green, the more bullish stock patterns the Money Calendar sees that day.

Bearish months look like this:


Yellow days are a mix of bullish and bearish patterns. On orange days, the majority of the patterns are bearish. And on red days, the patterns are overwhelmingly bearish.

Now, let’s zoom in on a specific day, January 11, 2024:


As you can see, there are 64 patterns that started.

If I click on that day, I get this:


So according to the Money Calendar, these 64 stocks are scheduled to start going up on January 11. 

Obviously you’re not going to buy shares in 64 different companies on a single day.

I only want to trade the most reliably profitable patterns. Here’s what that means…

To find the strongest patterns, I look for a 90% accuracy rating. That means the stock has made a profitable move between specific dates at least 9 of the last 10 years – and it’s very likely to do so again this year.

So let’s take a look at the second stock on the list above, Nvidia (NVDA)…

As you can see, NVDA has gone up between January 11 and February 16 for 9 of the last 10 years.

Nvidia (NVDA)


The bars in this chart confirm that NVDA has made a profitable move between these dates 90% of the time over the last decade.

Think it happened again this year?

It did…

And do you think you could have profited from a simple, low-risk trade with this intel?


Anyone who bought shares of Nvidia back on January 11 would have made 32% in less than 40 days.

Now, 32% also happens to be the average annual gain for NVDA for the last 10 years. So the Money Calendar delivered an entire year’s worth of profits in just over a month, with a simple stock trade.

But the way I trade it, you can 10x those gains while also cutting your risk to just $500 per trade. (You can get the details here.)

And it’s the perfect way to trade what I call the “Final Phase.”

Why the Money Calendar Is Critical for Trading Right Now

Now, the reason I’m showing you this is because it’s critical to how I’m trading the markets in the coming months.

You see, there’s a devastating pattern that’s forming. It’s history’s greatest portfolio killer.

But before that happens, we’re going to see some of the most incredible profit opportunities of our lifetimes.

Here’s how it’s going to play out…

In the next few weeks and months, AI stocks like NVDA will continue to accelerate. Valuations will get out of control. It will be a frenzy.

More profits will be made in the next few weeks and months on AI stocks than we’ve seen in the last five years.

When I predicted the rise of AI in 2019, I recommended three stocks.

META is up nearly 250%, MSFT is up 326%, and NVDA is up a whopping 3,125%.

And those gains will pale in comparison to what’s coming next.

But here’s the thing – it’s not going to last.

Because this is just the beginning of what I call the “Final Phase.”

AI stocks are going to the moon… before they come crashing down. And anyone holding AI stocks will get crushed.

It’s the classic boom-and-bust cycle. And it’s coming for your portfolio.

But with the Money Calendar, I can pinpoint the exact right time to get in and out of the hottest AI stocks in the market.

And my capital is never at risk for more than about 35 days.

So when the crash comes, I won’t have to worry about liquidating huge positions when everyone is heading for the exits.

I’ve put together a special presentation on the Final Phase, where I’ll show you how the Money Calendar can help you:

  • Make more profits on AI stocks as the Final Phase kicks into high gear

  • Avoid catastrophic losses when the AI boom is over

  • Cut your risk by keeping your capital out of the markets when stocks don’t move

I’ll even show you how to 10x your stock gains while cutting your risk to just $500 with special Money Calendar trades – trades that delivered gains like…

  • 219% in just 10 days on Google…

  • 270% in three weeks on Amazon…

  • 384% in three weeks on AI chipmaker AMD

Click here to watch my presentation now – and learn how you can use my Money Calendar to profit from the Final Phase.

Good trading,


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader