The Daily Cut

The only newsletter featuring insights, ideas, and recommendations from financial legends and their handpicked team of experts.

There Goes Bitcoin… Again!

Most folks still think of Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme. But if you compare Bitcoin with cash, it’s fair to say that in terms of trust, Bitcoin is far more trustworthy. Not only that, but it has greater faith in it than any government-issued currency on Earth. Today, we’ll explain why.

Were You This Brave Last March?

Were you brave enough to buy stocks – let alone real estate or bank stocks – last March? Not many were… But one man did. No big deal? Only if you’ve forgotten just where markets were last March. So, how did those trades play out, and what’s coming next?

Sell America!?

Bank of America analyst Ohsung Kwon says investors can get twice the dividend yield in Canadian stocks compared to U.S. stocks. But does it really make sense to “buy Canadian” for your next stock trade?