Sometimes governments or their agencies do things that end up benefiting sectors, companies, investors, and consumers. And Uncle Sam has just done exactly that.
Does the Federal Reserve have inflation licked? According to our Director of Research, Jack Kasprzak, the answer could be a big “yes.” And if he’s right, fears of higher interest rates and falling stock prices are over… at least for now. Here’s what that means for you...
Today, we’ll connect some dots for you and show you exactly how the financial system (Wall Street) is always looking for a way to put one over on regular folks.
Too many investors spend all their time predicting things they think will happen, but hardly ever do. Most always, they either get the event or the timing wrong. Often, it’s both.
Knowing all we’ve come to know about the universe, is it so unbelievable to think the actions and reactions of heavenly bodies can, in their own way, affect life and action on Earth?
We’ve had a gutful of interest rates moving markets recently. So let’s take a look at the earnings side of things to see if there’s anything that gives us a clue about specific sectors… and whether you can do anything about it.
Why did colleague Teeka Tiwari move millions of dollars of his own money into bitcoin? Because he believed back then – as he still does now – that we’re heading toward the Final Collapse of the dollar.